Increasing the value of heavy weight pork carcasses by evaluating belly and ham characteristics
Determining effects of increasing carcass size on ham and belly processing and quality characteristics.
Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.
Learn more about how you can help advance the pork industry through ongoing research.
Determining effects of increasing carcass size on ham and belly processing and quality characteristics.
Study aimed to develop a CSFV Erns IgG AlphaLISA® for serum and oral fluids that would complement currently available CSFV E2 DIVA vaccines.
This pilot study evaluated the impact of sharing ropes for sample collection between an infected pen and an uninfected pen. Further, it evaluated how the detection of a pathogen changed as the prevalence increased.
The project demonstrated the euthanasia of mature sows and feeder pigs using carbon monoxide (CO) produced by a 1970 gas grain truck. The gas engine system, with no modifications, had been previously used to euthanize weaned pigs. This project further improved the method by cooling and filtering particulates out of the exhaust gas prior to contact with the pigs.
This project describes a flexible model developed to simulate VSD+ using supplemental heat in swine facilities.
The objective of this project was to establish an effective and safe method to facilitate both the depopulation of sow units and the disposal of carcasses in the face of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
This project addressed a NPB call for research on surveillance sampling methods for optimizing the detection of trade limiting foreign animal diseases within pens, barns and sites.