Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Low Cost Mobile CO2 Vaporizer System Prototype – 2020
May 23, 2022By Colin Gendre
Currently there is a lack of mobile, low-cost vaporizer systems readily available to provide CO2 gas for large scale depopulation at swine operations. To better utilize CO2 for depopulation, there is...
Swine Health - PRRS
Evaluation of Air Filters as a Novel Surveillance Method to Assess Spread of Airborne PRRS Viruses
May 23, 2022By Montse Torremorell
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and influenza A virus (IAV) are two major respiratory pathogens of pigs that can be transmitted through the air. In this study, we...
Swine Health - General Disease
Fecal Microbiome Transplantation as a Preventive Strategy Against Gut-Dysbiosis and Porcine Post-Weaning Diarrhea
May 23, 2022By Shankumar Mooyottu
Post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is an economically important disease in weaned piglets. Currently, antibiotics are used in the swine industry to control...
Pork Quality
Evaluating Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) as a Real-Time Method for Classifying Pork Quality in Bacon and Fresh Pork Bellies
May 23, 2022By Dale Woerner
Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) is a novel, in-situ analysis technology that measures the metabolomic profile in real time. The objective of this study was to evaluate REIMS as...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Validating Pathogen Nucleic Acid Extraction from Animal Feed and Feed Ingredients
May 23, 2022By Diego Diel
The risk of feed serving as a vehicle for pathogen introduction into swine farms and production systems became evident after the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) outbreak in the US in 2013....
Environment - Environmental Footprint
Framing Agricultural Solutions for Economic and Environmental Resilience
May 20, 2022By Amanda Rasater
Pork producers have made significant investments in life cycle assessments (LCAs) and the Pig Production Environmental Footprint Calculator (PPEC). This project built on pork’s previous data...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Susceptibility of Pigs to FMDV Infection Via Natural Ingestion: Establishing Minimum Oral Infectious Dose and Evaluating Potential Benefits of Chemical Mitigants
May 20, 2022By Jonathan Arzt
Import of animal feed and feed ingredients from other countries can lead to unintentional import of foreign pathogens, such as viruses. While there are many rules controlling imports of animals and...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Inactivation of African Swine Fever Virus on Stainless Steel and Concrete with Commercial Disinfectants and Organic Acids
May 20, 2022By Lindsay Gabbert
The primary purpose of this research study was to determine if liquid microbicides commonly used in swine production facilities demonstrated virucidal efficacy against African swine fever virus...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Quantifying the Presence of Viral Material in Feed Delivered in Iowa
May 20, 2022By Trey A. Kellner
Despite evaluating a feed sample for 14 feed mills for 16 weeks, there was no detection of PRRSV, PEDV, PDCoV, and TGEV in any of the 224 collected feed samples. These results do not disprove that...
Environment - Environmental Footprint
Above Ground Burial/Composting of Swine Mortalities
May 20, 2022By Bob Thaler Ph.D.
The overall objective of this project was to determine whether or not the Above Ground Burial (AGB) system is a practical solution for pork producers in the Western Cornbelt for mass burial in the...
Swine Health - General Disease
Broadening Cross-Protective immunity against swine influenza viruses: A path forward a universal influenza vaccine
May 20, 2022By Kyoung-Jin Yoon
Influenza A virus – swine (IAV-S), commonly also known as swine influenza virus (SIV), is the cause of acute, severe respiratory disease in pigs and is considered one of the top three health...