Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Strain-Specific Typing of Bacterial Pathogens in the Pork Industry Chain
August 31, 2000By Elliot Ryser
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Effects of pH, temperature, sodium chloride and sodium nitrite on the fate of Acrobacter
August 2, 2000By Mark A. Harrison
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Improvement of Retail Case Life and Microbiological Safety of Pork Products in Retail and Service Cases- Phase II
July 28, 2000By Mark F. Miller
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Growth of Bacteria on Pork Carcasses and cuts following application of different chilling procedures and after being subjected to temperature abuse during destribution and by consumer
July 27, 2000By Gina R. Bellinger
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Evaluation of the Microbial Safety and Shelf Stability of Country Cured Hams
April 10, 2000By William Benjy Mikel
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Salmonella Risk Assessment for Blade Tenderized, Immersion marinated, Needle Injected and Fibrinogen Processed Pork Cuts During Processing, Storage and Cooking
February 29, 2000By James L. Marsden
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Improved Storage Stability of Fresh Ground Pork by Utilization of Modified Atmosphere Packaging
January 5, 2000By Roger W. Mandigo
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Rapid detection of yersinia enterocolitica in pigs using TaqMan system
October 15, 1999By Irene V. Wesley
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Microbiological Profiles of Hag Carcasses During Processing
October 5, 1999By James S. Dickson
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Role of Helicobacter Pylori as an Emerging Foodborne Pathogen in Pork
September 30, 1999By Gary R. Acuff