Environment - Air
Testing the effectiveness of a naturally occurring adsorbent to improve mitigation of multiple air emissions from swine buildings
June 30, 2014By Kevin Janni
Objectives: Biofiltration is a proven method to reduce odor and gas emissions from swine buildings and manure storage units. Biofilter media selection and moisture content fluctuations...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
A Life Cycle Analysis of Water Use in U.S. Pork Production
May 23, 2014By Marty Matlock
The goal of this study was to analyze water use in the U.S. pork industry using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. LCAs are quantitative analyses of complex systems for the evaluation of...
Environment - Air
Testing soybean peroxidase for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and greenhouse gas emissions
May 6, 2014By Jacek Koziel
The control of odor, odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions associated with commercial swine production is a critical...
Environment - Environmental Footprint
Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Production Scale Midwestern Breeding/Gestation/Farrowing Facility
May 6, 2014By Hongwei Xin
Gaseous emissions from livestock production continue to receive increasing attention due to concerns over their environmental and health impacts. Local concerns over gaseous emissions are...
Environment - Environmental Footprint
Integrated GHG Emissions and Tradeoff Cost Model for Swine Barn Operations
January 31, 2014By Richard K. Ulrich
Environment - Air
Feeding amino acids to reduce air emissions and the carbon footprint of swine production
November 19, 2013By Wendy Powers
Reduced crude protein (CP) diets with synthetic amino acid (AA) supplementation has proven to be an effect way to reduce ammonia (NH3) emissions from swine housing. However, there are very...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Evaluating Nutrient (nitrogen and ortho-phosphate) Export with Subsurface Drainage Water from Spring Applied Swine Manure to Soybean Planted Micro-watersheds
October 23, 2013By Kapil Arora
The objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of spring applied swine manure for soybean crop on sub-surface drainage water quality from non-replicated micro-watersheds. To evaluate this...
Environment - Air
Meta-Analysis of H2S, NH3, VOCs, PM10 and PM2.5 Emissions from Swine Production Facilities in North America
July 1, 2013By Wendy Powers
Industry Summary:Air emissions from livestock production facilities are receiving increased attention due to potential human health and environmental implications. The goal of this project...
Environment - Environmental Footprint
LCA of Alternate Swine Management
April 7, 2013By Greg Thoma
Life cycle analyses of eight pork production strategies for three environmental impact categories yielded a range of results, from a 17 percent increase in global warming potential (removing...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Microbial Community Analysis to Identify Risk Factors in Manure Foaming
February 11, 2013By Richard Gates
This study was conducted to assess whether shifts in manure microbial populations could explain foam production in deep-pits manure storages. To make the study relevant and practical, swine...