Environment - Air
Odor, Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emission Factors for Finishing Buildings
March 5, 2001By Albert J. Heber
Environment - Air
Atmospheric Dispersion of Pathogens from Ventilation Exhausts
February 27, 2001By Albert J. Heber
Environment - Air
Reduction of Odorous Compounds in Pig Manure Through Specific Dietary Manipulation – A Practical Field Study
February 13, 2001By Alan Sutton
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Reduction of Salmonella and Other Fecal Microbes in Swine Waste Treatment Systems
January 11, 2001By Mark D. Sobsey
Environment - Air
Subsurface drip irrigation versus center-pivot sprinkler for applying swine effluent to corn
January 1, 2001By R. Carreira
A risk-averse irrigated corn producer would be better off choosing the more expensive subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) over center-pivot sprinkler (CPS), given limited aquifer life and swine effluent...
Environment - Air
Development of a Standardized Method for Odor Quantification from Livestock Wastes: Development of a Odor
November 15, 2000By Alan A. DiSpirito
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Survival of Zoonotic Pathogens in Soils and Runoff Water after Application of Swine Manure to Cropland
October 2, 2000By Sagar M. Goyal
Environment - Air
Effect of dietary protein on endogenous amino acid contribution to microbial production of odorous metabolites in the intestinal tract of the growing pig
September 29, 2000By Nathalie L. Trottier
Environment - Air
Release and Dispersion of Volatile Organic Compounds and Trace Gases From Swine Manure Systems in Iowa, Arkansas, and North Carolina
September 1, 2000By Jerry Hatfield
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Genetically Modified Corn and Soybean Meal and Microbial Phytase as Means of Reducing Phosphorus Excretion by Swine
August 4, 2000By Gary L. Cromwell