Environment - Air
Field and Wind Tunnel Evaluation of Vegetative Buffers for Particulate Trapping and Odor Reduction Near Swine Production Facilities
January 14, 2009By Thomas J. Sauer
Growing number of swine operations have turned to natural buffers (also called shelterbelts or vegetative buffers) as part of their odor mitigation strategy. However, there is little to no data on...
Environment - Air
Alternative Biofilter Media Testing
October 31, 2008By Kevin Janni
Gas-phase biofilters are a proven method for reducing odor emissions from swine facilities and manure storage units. Woodchip and compost mixtures are commonly used as biofilter media. Widespread use...
Environment - Air
Alternative feedstuffs for reducing ammonia and odor emissions in pork production systems and improving the pig’s gut health
October 1, 2008By Pascal Leterme
Nutrition can help reduce the impact of pork production on the environment and improve pig gut health. The formulation of diets based on highly-digestible feedstuffs and which meet the exact...
Environment - Air
Facilitating Use of the Odor Footprint Tool by Nebraska Pork Producers
July 5, 2008By Richard R. Stowell
The goal of this project was to make Odor Footprint Tool (OFT) resources readily usable by pork producers and their technical advisors as a planning and screening tool when siting swine facilities....
Environment - Air
Monitoring Ambient Atmospheric Chemistry Along a Gradient of Ammonia Emission Density in Eastern North Carolina
June 15, 2008By Wayne P. Robarge
This project was designed to address the National Pork Board objective of needing to know ambient concentrations of gases emitted from swine operations (in particular ammonia, NH3) both...
Environment - Air
Particulates, Ammonium Nitrate, and Ammonium Sulfate: Effects on Air Quality in Rural Iowa
December 26, 2007By R. L. Pfeiffer
Air quality has many components, one of which is PM2.5 and ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate are reported to be two of the major components. Swine confinement facilities generate significant...
Environment - Air
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a BEI biocurtain and electrostatic space charge system for reducing emissions of total suspended particulate matter from swine building exhaust streams
July 16, 2007By Michael Ellis
The objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of a commercially available biocurtain, incorporating an electrostatic space charge system (ESCS), at reducing dust emissions from a...
Environment - Air
Laying the Groundwork for Odor Control and Setback Estimation in Nebraska
July 8, 2007By Richard R. Stowell
Environment - Air
On-farm Evaluation of the Good Neighbor System for Manure Treatment for Reducing Emissions from Swine Facilities
July 3, 2007By Michael Ellis
The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Good Neighbor System (GNS) at reducing gaseous emissions from swine facilities under full-scale production conditions. Also,...
Environment - Air
Evaluation of Boric Acid and Sodium Tetraborate to Reduce Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions from Swine Facilities
July 2, 2007By Melvin Yokoyama
Hazardous gas emissions from stored livestock manure can pose environmental and health issues for both farm workers and animals. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions have risen sharply with more...