AgView uniquely makes pig movement data instantly available, with the producer’s permission, to animal health officials. This is important for rapid disease traceback on day one of a foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreak. AgView is available at no cost to pork producers of all types and sizes.

Business Continuity in the Face of African Swine Fever

On any single day in the U.S., 1 million pigs travel down the road moving from one site to another. This commonly cited estimate may even be on the conservative side. Regardless, animal-to-animal contact due to transportation, especially in big numbers, is the most common pathway for disease to spread.

“We don’t know when or where an FAD might break out. But, the more quickly and accurately we can track down pig movements and contain the disease, the better off producers and pigs will be,” says Patrick Webb, DVM, Acting Chief Veterinarian for the National Pork Board (NPB).  

That reality is the driving force behind AgView, a Pork Checkoff-funded online platform. It pulls together a producer’s premises identification, pig movements, Secure Pork Supply information and, eventually, FAD diagnostic records, into one secure spot for a state veterinarian to request access as needed. It is in place for emergency management purposes should an FAD, such as African swine fever (ASF), reach the United States.

AgView Is for Farms of All Sizes and Types

A 2020 study by Iowa State University economists estimates the impact of an ASF outbreak to the U.S. pork industry at $15 billion to $50 billion, depending on how quickly it can be contained. Export markets would automatically close to U.S. pork and remain so until it was clear the virus was being eliminated.

Bottom line, even if an FAD does not reach their pigs, the disease will impact all U.S. pig farmers, regardless of operation size or type.

“We need everybody to create an AgView account – whether you are a large, small, niche or show pig producer – I don’t care why you’re raising a pig, we need you in the system,” Webb says.

AgView delivers important information, including disease status updates, premises information and pig-movement data for contact tracing.

“It is critical for state veterinarians and USDA, who will be responding to an FAD, to have the most accurate information in front of them quickly so they can determine where the disease is and where it likely is not; and were to deploy resources,” Webb said. 

Movement records need to include pigs of any age and any time they are moved. That means show pigs, cull animals or pigs moving between production sites such as weaned and growing pigs.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a paper-permitted movement or not,” Webb said. “The movement of finisher pigs to the packing plant doesn’t have a paper that goes with it, but we need that information to be readily accessible to state animal health officials in the event of an FAD investigation.”

Setting Up an AgView Account Is Easy

All pork producers are able to create a free AgView account online. Producers can request assistance with their AgView account by calling 800-767-5675 or sending an email to [email protected].

Streamline Data Input

There are easy ways to input swine movement and premises data:

  • You can add premises and movement data through the AgView dashboard.
  • You can use the AgView Excel template or map your own Excel file to the AgView system for data upload.
  • If you work with a record provider who has an application programming interface (API) with AgView, the premises and movement data can automatically move into AgView, with your permission.

“Think of an API as a bridge between two record systems that allows data to flow,” Webb said.

MetaFarms has a working API system that links with AgView. NPB is working with other record providers as well.

NPB has made every effort to ensure the producer data within AgView is confidential and secure. All the data is encrypted and is not readable by outside sources. Also, all producer information is stamped as business/trade confidential data. This adds extra security as it prevents access through public disclosure laws.

How Producer and Premises Information Is Shared

Should an FAD reach the U.S. swine population, AgView spots and tracks the disease quickly to minimize transmission.

Business continuity is the goal and key to that is information sharing, but power remains with the producer. The user is the only one who can allow the state animal health official to access their AgView data.

Here’s a snapshot of how producers share premises information:

  1. A confirmed or suspected case of an FAD is reported to the state veterinarian or animal health office.
  2. The state animal health official uses AgView to request producer data based on the affected premises’ location.
  3. An email, including the reason for the request, is sent from AgView to the producer associated with the premises.
  4. The producer clicks ‘SHARE’ in the Share Request tab within AgView.

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