Increasing demand for pork requires that new uses for existing underutilized muscles in the pork carcass be developed into new and novel products. Much of pork is purchased in the form of sub-primal cuts. To develop new and novel products different fabrication procedures need to be developed and then implemented by training those who fabricate the new cuts. To understand the three-dimensional (3D) muscle shapes and the muscle-to-muscle relationships in sub-primal cuts, carcass dissection is the only method available. Manual dissection can be time consuming and costly. Using computerized graphics and 3D technology it is now possible to virtually divide the 3D pork carcass into the sub-primal cuts and identify the muscles associated with each sub-primal. The user of the program can identify groups of muscles found in each sub-primal cut and well as virtually dissecting the carcass removing each muscle individually and examine their three dimensional shape. To be able to identify how sub-primal in fabricated a video has been included to assist in preparation of each sub-primal.
To gain and understanding of the chemical and physical properties of the each muscle, this information can be displayed on the individual muscles selected. This information will help the processor; chef and consumer better understand the muscles from individual meat cut. One of the major users of the Porcine Myology and Muscle Profiling Website is the culinary industry. Through the use of the Interactive Stereoscopic 3D program it is now possible to visually display chemical and physical differences in the muscles of the pork carcass. This will give those using it an interactive tool to use to be innovative with pork cuts when new uses are developed, which will increase demand for pork.