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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Environment - Air
Quantifying Volatile Organic Compound Interaction With Particulate Matter For The Development Of Odor Transport Models
Odor and gas reduction from sprinkling soybean oil in a pig nursery
Daily sprinkling of very small amounts of vegetable (soyabean) oil inside a pig nursery facility reduced the odour, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and total dust levels of the air inside the barn and in the...
Reduction of nutrients and odor in swine manure with sequencing batch treatment and intermittent aeration
A pilot plant with capacity to treat up to 1.5 msuperscript 3/day was installed in August 1997 at D & B Swine Farm in Halifax County, North Carolina, USA. The system was composed of a...
Minimizing Cost while Safely Composting Swine Mortality in Roofed and Unroofed Compost Systems – An Evaluation of Type and Amount of Amendments on the Compost Process
Proper disposal of carcasses occurring due to mortality in animal production is necessary for protection of the environment and prevention of the spread of disease organisms. Mortality disposal laws...
Biological Control of Hog Waste Odor through Stimulated Microbial Fe(III) Reduction
Odor control and disposal of swine waste have inhibited expansion of swine production facilities throughout the United States. Swine waste odor is associated primarily with high concentrations of...
Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics following application of pig slurry for the 19th consecutive year. I. Carbon dioxide fluxes and microbial biomass carbon
Agricultural soils often receive annual applications of manure for long periods. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of 19 consecutive years of pig (Sus scrofa) slurry (PS)...
Upflow biological aerated filters for the treatment of flushed swine manure
A pilot plant with capacity to treat up to 8 m3/day of supernate from settled flushed swine wastes was monitored for 12 months. The main system is composed of two upflow aerated biofilters connected...
Release and Dispersion of Volatile Organic Compounds and Trace Gases From Swine Manure Systems in Iowa, Arkansas, and North Carolina
Release of gaseous compounds from swine manure storage systems has been poorly quantified; however, the perception of intensive amounts of gases is one of the larger problems for the pork industry....
Above and below ground measurements of greenhouse gases from swine effluent amended soil
As a means of economic disposal and to reduce need for chemical fertilizer, waste generated from swine production is often applied to agricultural land. However, there remain many environmental...
Effect of dietary ideal amino acid ratios, and supplemental carbohydrase in hulless-barley-based diets on pig performance and nitrogen excretion in manure
Two experiments were conducted, using a total of 224 (112 barrows + 112 gilts) crossbred pigs, to determine the effect of dietary ideal amino acid ratios, and supplemental carbohydrase in hulless...
Nutrient Losses from Unlined Bedded Swine Hoop Structures and an Associated Windrow Composting Site
Mass balance analysis of livestock manure management systems can offer important insight into the flows and losses of nutrients and potential pollutants. This study describes the objectives,...
Removal of Salmonella and microbial indicators in constructed wetlands treating swine wastewater
Reductions of Salmonella bacteria and enteric microbial indicator organisms were measured in swine wastewater treated by a field-scale surface flow (SF) constructed wetland at a commercial hog...
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