Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious disease causing significant economic losses to swine producers in many part of the world. Although the US has been recognized as a CSFV-free area, effective tools for disease surveillance and monitoring for an active preparedness of this disease is required. Diagnostic assays based on oral fluid have been shown to be capable of excellence diagnostic performance, are extremely compatible with efficient surveillance, and are well-accepted by producers and veterinarians. The potential use of swine oral fluid as a sample for detection of CSFV infection was evaluated in this study. The study aimed to define oral fluid antibody kinetics (IgA, IgG) against two viral glycoproteins (E2 and Erns) using ELISA technique and to initiate the foundation to the logical development of a CSFV oral fluid antibody ELISA. The results showed that IgA and IgG antibody presented at detectable levels in oral fluid of both infected pigs and vaccinated pigs. Oral fluid IgG antibody provided strong and consistent detection over the time course of infection and vaccination. Compared to IgG responses, oral fluid IgA antibody showed lower and varied in the rate of detection. The results from the present study suggest a potential use of oral fluid antibody-based assays for detecting classical swine fever infection. The development of a sensitive and highly specific oral fluid CSFV antibody ELISA will be a key tool for cost-effective, large scale screening for CSFV. A CSFV oral fluid antibody ELISA would greatly improve the preparedness of the US Pork Industry.
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