How research was conducted: For this experiment 18 growing pigs (BW = 33.8 ± 2.2 kg) were surgically fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum and allocated to 1 of 6 dietary treatment groups. Six dietary treatments were obtained by adding 0, 20, and 40% low-fat DDGS to corn-casein diets formulated with 2 and 6% SBO. Ileal digesta and fecal samples were collected and the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of fat, fiber, and amino acids were determined.
Results also showed that the apparent digestibility of amino acids was not affected by the dietary increase of fat, but was negatively associated with the concentration of low-fat DDGS, The decrease in the apparent digestibility of amino acids may be attributed to the effects of manufacture processes during the production of DDGS rather than the concentration of fiber in DDGS.
Importance to the industry: The present work suggests that the current panorama of high fiber diets is not as dire as previously thought since fiber from corn co-products can be fed to pigs without negative effects on the digestibility of fat and amino acids. We have also demonstrated that, if the diets are correctly formulated, quite high levels can be fed without impairment of performance. However the challenge of a new generation of co-products with a lower fat content means that digestibility of dietary fiber needs to be improved (e.g. using exogenous enzymes, further processing) to maximize the energy supply to avoid the extra-cost of adding additional fat to the diet. Even then, we have shown that fat added to diets high in reduced oil DDGS is well utilized by the pig. This provides confidence to pork producers and to nutritionists that classical approaches to diet formulation will be successful, allowing them the greatest flexibility in using corn c-products in practical diets when economics makes their use financially advantageous.
John F. Patience, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Animal Science
201B Kildee Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3150
Phone: (515) 294-5132