Effluent from animal waste lagoons can degrade water quality if allowed to discharge into surface waters. To determine the feasibility of using swine lagoon effluent as a source of water and nutrients for crop production, effluent was applied via sprinkler irrigation to ‘Coastal’ Bermudagrass on Norfolk and Wagram soils at rates to supply 335, 670, and 1340 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for six years. Soil nitrate concentrations to a depth of 300 cm showed significant differences in the order high > medium = low rate. At the high rate, 56% of the applied N could not be accounted for by crop removal or increased N content of the soil to a depth of 210 cm. Evidence of P movement to a depth of 60 cm was obtained. Calcium and Mg concentrations in the topsoil were reduced due to relatively high rates of application of Na+, K+ and NH4+. Soil pH was correspondingly reduced. Soil nitrate data suggest that groundwater pollution by nitrate would result from the high rate and possibly from the medium rate.