Odour emission from a 6 000 head swine grow-finish facility was measured in May 1998. Lagoon odour emission with simulated wind speeds of 1.1 m/s in a new buoyant convective flux chamber ranged from 89 to 123 odour units (OU)/min-m2 and averaged 100 OU/min-m2. The total odour emission from the 9 720 m2 surface-aerated first-stage lagoon would be 16 163 OU/s at this rate. Odour emissions from the aerated lagoon were 82% less than similar unaerated lagoons with only half the volumetric loading rate. The estimated odour emission from the grow-finish buildings with recirculation flush pits was 18 OU/min per animal unit (AU). Estimated total farm odour emission of 43 OU/s per AU was similar to average odour emissions from deep-pit buildings of 36 OU/s per AU measured in another study.
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