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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Spring runoff and drainage N and P losses from hog-manured corn
A two-year study was conducted to assess the effect of hog manure on the losses of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff and drainage from grain-corn (Zea mays L.) plots, and the importance of spring...
Using riparian buffers to treat animal waste
None available.
Using GLEAMS and REMM to estimate nutrient movement from a spray field and through a riparian forest.
With the increased number of large animal production facilities in eastern North Carolina, nutrient accumulation is becoming a problem in surface waters and groundwater. To protect these water...
Swine-lagoon seepage in sandy soil
Swine manure anaerobic lagoons have sometimes been constructed in sandy soil without clay liners. Although swine manure and other animal manures have been reported to physically ''seal'' lagoons to...
Swine manure nitrogen conservation in storage using sphagnum moss
Sphagnum peat moss, floating on swine manure in storage, was tested during three summers as an N conservation method in experimental tanks which measured 0.75 m in diameter and 3.0 m deep. Three...
GLEAMS Simultation of Groundwater Nitrate-N From Row Crop and Swine Wastewater Spray Fields in the Eastern Coastal Plain
Nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater resulting from agricultural management practices is a major water quality problem. This problem was assessed on a demonstration watershed in the...
Effect of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties
Improving swine effluent management practices requires understanding of the fate of nutrients derived from swine effluent in soil quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of...
Ammonia emissions from a large swine production complex
Observations were made of a 1000-sow pig complex in Virginia, USA, to determine atmospheric ammonia loadings. Comparisons were made with similar data from the Netherlands, where ammonia release was...
Electrostatic precipitation dust removal system for swine housing
The research objectives were to develop and evaluate a practical dust removal method for livestock housing using ionization and electrostatic precipitation. Prototype testing was conducted in an...
Measurement and impact of agricultural odors from a large scale swine production farm
With the move on a nationwide scale to greater centralization and specialization of swine production and consequent swine confinement, rural communities face the prospects of increasing odor impact...
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