The present study was conducted to evaluate the influences of fresh pork color (Minolta L*), intramuscular fat (IMF), and ultimate pH (pH), and cooked pork Warner Bratzler shear force (WBS) on consumer and trained sensory perception of pork loin (chop) eating quality. Trained and sensory assessments of eating quality were assessed at four end-point cooked temperatures (62.8° C (145° F); 68.3° C (155° F); 73.9° C (165° F); and 79.4° C (175° F). The effects of variation in quality and cooked temperature were assessed for both non-enhanced and enhanced (10% pump rate, 2.5% potassium lactate, 0.35% sodium phosphate, and 0.35% salt) pork loin chops. Loins used in testing were collected from three cooperating U.S. packing plants, with selection designed to capture the variation in and combinations of Minolta L*, IMF, and pH observed in the U.S pork industry in an attempt to understand the individual influence each quality attribute as well as potential interactions among quality attributes as they relate to eating quality of pork. Consumer testing was conducted in Chicago, Philadelphia and Sacramento, targeting 760 consumers within each test market. Trained sensory testing was conducted at Texas A&M University and Iowa State University.
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