Management techniques for using riparian buffer systems to utilize and treat agricultural effluents are being developed in at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA. Riparian systems consisting of grass buffers located upslope from forest vegetation are being tested with swine lagoon effluent. The riparian systems being tested include 32.8 ft grass-65.6 ft riparian forest, 65.6 ft grass-32.8 ft riparian forest, and 32.8 ft grass -65.6 ft maidencane. Two different waste application rates (1X or 2X, approximately 536 or 1072 lb N/ac/yr) are being applied to three replicate plots (98.5 ft by 13.1 ft) of each vegetative treatment. The project includes monitoring of growth rates of the grasses and trees, and also of the effects of the effluent on surface and groundwater quality. Results so far show impact of the applied effluent on surface runoff and shallow groundwater quality at the upper ends of the plots, but nearly complete filtering of nutrients and heavy metals at the bottom ends of the plots. This research to develop design criteria for riparian buffer systems for utilization and treatment of effluent links low-cost, surface irrigation of manure lagoon water with landscape components that protect the environment, and potentially will allow small and medium size producers to economically meet stringent environmental regulations.
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