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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Impact of Mitochondrially Targeted Novel Antioxidant on Pig Feed Efficiency
Oxidative stress is considered a potential cause of decreased feed efficiency in animals. Therefore, incorporating antioxidants into livestock feeds may improve feed efficiency by decreasing...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Using high-fiber diets to limit energy intake in developing gilts: effects on puberty, reproduction, culling rates, lifetime productivity, and progeny health and growth
The effects of developing gilts limiting energy intake, using a high-fiber diet, compared to a corn-soybean meal based diet were evaluated. The high-fiber diet used contained 40% soybean hulls....
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Critical evaluation of a new novel bio-fuels byproduct “MycoMeal” on growth performance, body composition and intestinal health in nursery pigs
The thin stillage leftover from ethanol production contains biodegradable organic compounds and sufficient micronutrients that an ideal feedstock for fungal cultivation such as Rhizopus microsporus...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Effects of reducing the particle size of corn on the concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy and on the digestibility of energy, phosphorus, and amino acids by growing pigs
The objective of this research was to measure the effects of different particle sizes of corn on energy and nutrient digestibility and to test the hypothesis that diets containing corn with reduced...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Reducing feed cost through improved knowledge of using soybean hulls in modern commercial swine nursery and finishing diets
The objectives of this research were to expand on current limited knowledge of feeding soybean hulls in diets for nursery and finishing pigs. A series of four experiments were conducted in...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Re-evaluating moderate to severe feed processes in light of high ingredient prices and the increasing use of fibrous feedstuffs.
The objectives of this research were to evaluate a broad range of moderate to severe feed processing of both nursery and finishing pig diets on growth performance, caloric efficiency, economics...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Phosphorus digestibility and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn, corn co-products, and bakery meal fed to growing pigs
The main aim of this research was to determine P digestibility and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in corn, corn co-products, and bakery meal fed to growing pigs. It was also the...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Evaluation of lipid source and peroxidation level on digestible and metabolizable energy concentration, and the impact of lipid peroxidation on intestinal barrier function
BACKGROUND: A better understanding of methods to assess quality and feeding value of feed fats and oils is needed because of variability in composition and quality. Commonly used lipid...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Predicting the iodine value of pork carcass fat from the iodine value of dietary fat supplied by different fat sources at different levels of inclusion in the diet
With input costs continuously rising, the industry has been resourceful in using alternative ingredients to remain profitable. ...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Evaluation of lipid oxidation levels in DDGS sources and impact of feeding (with or without antioxidants) on swine health, performance, and metabolic oxidation
Background: Oxidative damage in feedstuffs represents a significant economic loss because it negatively affects pig health and growth performance. Lipid peroxidation occurs during the production...
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