Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Identification of markers associated with sow lifetime productivity for whole genomic selection
July 11, 2010By Daniel Ciobanu
Sows are more productive today than ever before. However, concurrent with increased prolificacy, high sow death losses and replacement...
Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Identification of SNP Markers Associated with Number Born, Number Weaned and Weaning to Estrus Interval in Commercial First Parity Sows
June 18, 2010By Gary Rohrer
The objective of this research was to identify genetic markers that would be predictive of first parity reproductive performance and rebreeding in an effort to improve the percentage of gilts...
Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Effect of pregnant gilt zinc and lipid supplementation on neonatal piglet brain myelination and preweaning mortality
June 14, 2010By Jeffrey Vallet
The effect of dietary supplementation of pregnant gilts with Gromega lipid supplement (JBSUnited feeds), zinc sulfate, or the two combined...
Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Evaluation of lean content and trim of cull sows on their value at harvest
May 5, 2010By Ken Stalder
A study was conducted to estimate the lean content from the four USDA grades of cull sows, determine if standardized prediction equations for estimating cull sow lean content is possible and to...
Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Association of genetic markers with structural soundness and its relationship to gilt development and sow longevity
February 25, 2010By Max Rothschild
Sow longevity or sow productive life (SPL) is an important complex trait for total profitability of pig production. Proper gilt development and selection are important means to reduce the culling and...